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Free Vintage Children Clip Art

free vintage children clip art little girl in pink dress with flowers
It wasn’t until I posted all the free vintage children clip art images on this page that I realized all but one features flowers in some way. Once I noticed that, I looked at the rest of my vintage children clip art images and found that almost every one of them has some sort of floral theme. Apparently it used to be popular for children to sell flowers, because there are a disproportionate number of vintage clip art images in my collection that look like the kids are geared up to go out on the street and sell. You see one example of that in the image of the little boy selling violets.

There are also a disproportionate number of fair-skinned children. I included the one suitable African American children clip art image I had but as you can see, the image is presented quite differently than the others. No flowers, fancy clothes or elegant poses for those boys. You can clearly see the difference in racial perception that was so prevalent at the time these vintage clip art images were created. Not that there’s anything wrong with the image of the four boys; it’s cute. It’s just that it’s a grittier portrayal than found in the fair-skinned children clip art images.

Thankfully, today we see images of children of all colors together as equals in advertising and other forms of public imagery. That means the next generation of vintage art will more accurately reflect the fact that we live on a diverse planet.

Read our TERMS OF USE and then click on the images below to see and download larger versions of the free vintage children clip art (enlarged sizes vary):

free vintage children clip art girl in green dress and bow with flower basket free vintage children clip art little girl with pink roses crown free vintage children clip art -- little boy with letter and flowers on his back free vintage children clip art -- little boy and girl in antique car with flowers
free vintage little girl with green apron and flower basket on her back free vintage children clip art -- little girl in white gown with candy box flower bouquet free vintage children clip art -- boy and girl on a donkey with flowers free vintage clip art -- sailor boy with large flower basket
vintage children clip art -- little girl in green dress flower bouquet free vintage children clip art little boy selling violets free vintage nautical children clip art little boy with sailor outfit free vintage children clip art little girl in pink dress forget-me-nots
free vintage children clip art four african american boys vintage children clip art little girl in flower border with womans hand

Please note that posting these images to any blog, Web site or forum — either commercial or non-commercial — without following the rules in our terms of use is considered copyright infringement.

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